Release notes

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UPONSCALE Release notes #

– Version 1.5.5 (09/18/2024)

The super admin can update a vm affinity strategy, preferred and backup node.
An entity have the option to enable/disable the right to edit a vm affinity strategy

– Version 1.5.4 (09/13/2024)

Fixed bug affecting affinity strategy

– Version 1.5.3

Add remote support
Security and bug fix

– Version 1.5.2

Improved wizard Interface and User Experience
Security and bug fix

– Version 1.5.1

FIX reverse proxy, add public smtp server, fix password encoding

– Version 1.5.0

FIX start wizard, DNS in menu, security fix in console access

– Version 1.4.1

FIX first start wizard error from last updates

– Version 1.4.0

Add S3 compatibles datastore type
Add SSL certificates management page

– Version 1.3.9

Add Amazon S3 datastore type
Add ISOs management
FIX security leaks on login page

Version 1.3.9

Add Amazon S3 datastore type
Add ISOs management
FIX security leaks on login page

Version 1.3.8

Add a new vm settings tab to setup vm replication
Add option: Allow replication when creating a snapshot
Add vm filters on power state, protection and node
Add replication options in entitie settings
Automatic selection of node when vm start

– Version 1.3.7

Some FIX of previous update

– Version 1.3.6

Add a page to manage the snapshot schedules
Detect if vm is a replica or not. Exclude this vms from the list of backup rules and snapshot schedules
Add disk serial infos in vm disks list and in backup report when an error occure while detaching disk

– Version 1.3.5

Add an info if a backup rule is currently running in the backup rules pages
Add a page to manage all backround tasks.
The merge backup process of continuous incremental backups is now launch from the tasks queue only after all backups tasks.
Add a page for setup the NTP client service.

– Version 1.3.4

FIX network filter in Networks page. Now the filter work on network name and vlan ID
FIX: the protected vm icon is now refreshed when editing a VM
Add possibility to change boot order of a vm in the Storage section while editing a VM
Improve vms list table: actions menu is fixed to the right of the screen to prevent overflow on low resolution screen.
Improve vms list table: the header of the table is now fixed.

– Version 1.3.3

FIX vm name displayed in Backup catalog if vm was renamed after the first backup
Add an option in the vm actions menu for directly assign the vm in backup rule(s)

– Version 1.3.2

FIX licence wizard Admin user creation on licence renew
FIX backups time display when deleting multiples backups
FIX units conversion on backup catalog page
Add a running backups filter view in Backup reports page
Add a backup select mode: Full, Full with compression, Incremental and Continuous Incremental

– Version 1.3.1

FIX cursor focus on vmconsole page
FIX page title on vmconsole page
FIX error when creating a new network
FIX backups retention failed messages when trying to delete an empty backups chain
Add force reboot and force restart options from the power action button in the vms list view

– Version 1.3.0

Change licence mode: require UPONSCALE Cloud account

– Version 1.2.7

Add restart backup on failed backup from reports page
Add Show failed only backup report filter
FIX: backup status when vm is allready backuped by another task
FIX: datastore NFS mounting option

– Version 1.2.6

FIX: backup status set to warning if datastore threshold has been reached during backup

– Version 1.2.5

Some CSS changes
Control of containers is working now
FIX: disableSnapshotting parameter on cloned disks set to False

– Version 1.2.4

Some CSS fixes
FIX: error management if backup has at least one disk failed
FIX: error when save a backup rule with a lot of vms

– Version 1.2.3

Add cpu usage limit on backup tasks
Limit backup concurrents tasks to 8
Some CSS fixes
FIX: running tasks was cleared when clearing notifications

– Version 1.2.2

Improve API errors management for backups
Some minors fixes

– Version 1.2.1

In vms list the Running and Stopped vm stats buttons in the top left cornerapply a filter on running and stopped vm
FIX time mistake in nodes statistics chart and add a crosshair
Add snapshot vm function directly in vm menu

– Version 1.2.0

Add a select vms option when manual launch of a backup rule.
Add more stats to the statistics page
Add datastore stats to the backup catalog page
FIX notifications list display
FIX disk connection timeout for files restore
Add clone vm function

– Version 1.1.9

Improve restoration report
FIX notifications list display
FIX date format in charts

– Version 1.1.8

Upgrade charts library
FIX notifications list display
Improve vms stats visualization in statistics page

– Version 1.1.7

Add mores statistics of UPONSCALE on dashboard
Change Nodes and UPONSCALE statistics view on dashboard to 48H
FIX dates select of statistics page
Improve backups errors management

– Version 1.1.6

FIX backup report error on old backups
FIX update windows sizing
Improve backups functions with IO priority parameter
Backups notifications reversed for display the latest on top of the list

– Version 1.1.5

Add statistics menu for super-admin

– Version 1.1.4

FIX network bitrate units in charts to MB/s
Limit backup concurrents tasks to 2
Improve backups functions

– Version 1.1.3

Keep parent snapshot of vm if incremental backup failed
Add UPONSCALE statistics on super-admin dashboard

– Version 1.1.2

FIX refresh product version after an update
IMPROVE incremental backup errors management
FIX error: MSG_WRITEFILEERROR while trying to cancel a backup

– Version 1.1.1

FIX elapsed backup time infos in backup reports list
FIX js error when click on refresh vm infos button during a snapshot

– Version 1.1.0

FIX setup network ip address in web UI on first launch

– Version 1.0.9

FIX setup network ip address in web UI

– Version 1.0.8

FIX vms stats display when search filter is set

– Version 1.0.7

Code protection

– Version 1.0.6

FIX permissions errors on CIFS datastores

– Version 1.0.5

FIX vm charts display after editing a vm
FIX licence expiration date display

– Version 1.0.4

FIX vms list display error if resolution of page is under 1400px
VM migration feature allowed on to super-admin user
Style changes on cluster nodes view
FIX long datastore name display in the datastore top bar menu

– Version 1.0.3

FIX size of backups displayed in the datastore stats pie chart of page backup catalog

– Version 1.0.2

FIX simultaneous tasks for backup and restore
FIX backup duration time displayed during running backup in backup_reports page

– Version 1.0.1

Force 1 simultaneous task for backup and restore while FIX
FIX langage and size units mistakes

– Version 1.0.0:

First UPONSCALE release for manage one SCALE cluster with multi-tenant and backups capabilities